• To guarantee your camper’s spot, register early.
• Registrations are first-come, first served upon the availability of space; some camps have limited availability.
• Registration forms may be submitted in person, by mail, fax, or by email to [email protected].
• All registrations must be completely filled out in order to be processed. Missing information will delay your registration and spots are not held. Any registration questions will be communicated via email and will delay registration.
• The NSYMCA has the right to deny entrance to a camper if fees are not paid and up to date.
• Camp registrations for any given week are due by 12 pm on the Thursday prior to that week. Any registrations after this time will not be accepted. For details or more information, email [email protected].
• Payment Plans require a $100 deposit per child at the time of registration.
• Payment Plans can begin any month but must start by June. All must END by July 15th.
• We have two draft dates available for families to customize what works best for you. You can choose the 1st or the 15th to draft your payment plan.
• Once your registration is processed, you will receive an email that breaks down your payment plan. This is your confirmation of registration.
• A $25 NSF fee will be charged for any payment that is returned by the bank. As a courtesy, one fee will be waived per calendar year.
• All withdrawal, transfers, and change requests must be made in writing. These can be submitted in person or through email.
• Refunds may be considered in unique circumstances and granted by the director at their discretion.
• Refunds are subject to detailed policies outlined in our parent guide.
• Starting June 2nd, all withdrawals will forfeit all fees paid to date.
• Registrations received after a camp is full and has reached capacity will be put on the waitlist.
• Families will receive an email to be given the option to choose an alternative camp.
• Once on the waitlist, if a spot becomes available you will receive an email giving you 24 hours to claim your spot. If we do not receive any contact, we will move on to the next camper.
• $10 multi-child discount will be given per week 2 or more children are registered. This is forfeited if the registration is withdrawn.
• Military discounts are available.